Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Day 1 thing a dailies

So I joined thingadailies and this will be attempting to write something about something I have made (or accomplished towards making) every day in February.

Of course we start February with the busiest day I have had in a long time, with a full day of work plus two evening meetings. So not much is getting made today except goals!

Alrighty then--onward.
I am hoping to accomplish the following in the month of February:
Finish the blue sweater I started for one daughter
Start the cream sweater (pattern undecided) for the other daughter
Penguin pj pants
Dots pj pants (full disclosure these both are sewed and awaiting elastic and hems
One direction pj pants
sock monkey pj pants
At least one pair of pj pants for me (currently I have 4 flannels that I've picked out for ME including Star Wars with REY!!!!!)
mend rainbow socks
mend green socks
mend Felici striped socks

All I can say to that is Whew! Of course some of these are in progress. I have two pairs of PJ pants cut and sewed merely waiting for girls to consent to either let me measure them for elastic or try them on to be sure elastic isn't "pinchy." The sock monkey pants are cut out but not sewed. And I am working on the FIRST sleeve of the blue sweater.

But wait, you say, didn't you just make a bunch of pj pants like last fall or something? And indeed I did make a bunch in fall 2014. And since that time children have grown, and filled out. And one girl calls hers floods and the other complains that they are too tight. So there you go, new pants are needed. Last week I went and bought a bunch at 2.79 a yard, which is a great price and so because most were 2.79, I sprang for one pair of "licensed character" prints for each of them. So I have minions and one direction fabric, although the one direction is cotton rather than flannel. And really I need to turn it ALL into pj pants this month, but listing them all felt very ambitious.

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