Wednesday, June 18, 2008

sick of socks

Last week we all went on vacation. Eight days of driving, visiting my parents, going to the zoo and Magic House. I packed way too many clothes for my girls, way too few for me and only one knitting project. Clearly I am insane.

I am also tired of knitting socks.

I decided not to take my yoga socks because I only have a few hours left on the last one. No instead, I decided I'd take the Monkey Socks I'm making for my mom. I had cast on and done about 3/4 inch of ribbing before we left. I packed the instructions, a counter, needles, tapestry needles, instructions for kitchner (I need the instructions every time!), a too big crochet hook, scissors, and a row marker. I also packed the second ball of yarn in what I can only say now was a big burst of optimism.

The good thing about only bringing the one project is that I only worked on the one project, the bad thing is... well I only worked on the one project. By the time we rolled into the driveway I was almost through with sock number one, had lost my row counter, had borrowed a crochet hook from my mom, and was thoroughly sick of the pattern, the sock and the yarn. I think my row counter fell out of the car on one of the many pit stops we made. I haven't picked up the sock since we've been home--although I only have about 4 rows before starting the toe decreases.
monkey sock

Instead I've been trying to finish the yoga sock--Only about an other hour, I'd estimate. And I promise I'll post a picture. I'll also try to explain the concept. And after I finish that? Well I might do the rest of the monkey sock or I might just start something else.

1 comment:

Cinnamonamon said...

ehhh...start something new! lol

And I feel ya on the "only one project" thing! Ugh. Still, great progress!