Monday, January 05, 2009

back to blogging

You would think that I would have a finished object to show you. Especially given I haven't updated since Dec 20th. I guess I do, but it isn't a knitted object.
I decided that I needed some new pjs back in October, but it was only over this break that I actually broke out the pattern I bought and sat down with the serger and got them done. I've had this flannel forever. If you can't see well in the picture, it has turtles, dragonflies and ducks. I have a lot of turtle fabrics, because we used to have a much beloved pet turtle (she died a few years ago) and seem to have acquired quite the turtle collection. I still have another large swath of turtle flannel, and so may end up with more turtle pjs. I think though my next pair of pjs will be a "scrappy pair as I have a bunch of flannel pieces just large enough for perhaps 1/4 of a pair of pants.

We ended up not traveling to Illinois. So I never got to start my socks. Instead I spent the entire school vacation knitting on the top down sweater. Unlike on most days, I even found a great deal of time to knit during the day. And as you can see it is almost done.

Actually, it is closer than that to be done, because I took that picture before I spent another hour on it yesterday. Unlike the first sweater I knit from this pattern, I did not try it on until I was done with the body. Even though I had checked gauge carefully and picked a size that I knew would fit me, I was still amazed to discover that it fit.

I am holding myself back from starting anything else until it is done, but man it is hard, because I got yarn for Christmas. And I had some projects I wanted to start before that. And! And! I got a gift certificate to my favorite LYS.
So, I'm not sure what will be up next. I have 2 pairs of socks I want to knit, I'd like to do another sweater soon and I have a baby quilt to make for my cousin. The baby quilt deserves its own entry, and so in order to keep myself from taking another big break, I'll stop there.


Trisha said...

I'm so impressed with your ability to knit sweaters. I am working on my first one and I am really nervous that I am going to run into something I don't understand in the pattern and that after all the investment of time in knitting it that it won't fit.

Cinnamonamon said...

look at all that progress! :) you're in the home stretch...then you can start on some cozy socks while wearing your sweater (while it's still cold out!).