Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20

Yesterday, I did get my 10k steps, in part because I had to make an extra trip to school (I walk. It is 1500 steps round trip) to get homework. I know I said I wasn't doing any more canning, but I did do some preserving. I ended up with 4 quarts of green beans and no real way to use the in a timely manner, so I froze two quarts of them. I don't generally do beans, because it haven't had great luck with them in the past. We will see.

I did my three sets of 30 second planks. And got rid of a whole pile of papers and crap the girls had shoved in with their stickers. I also managed to finish the first set of the pj pants (and both girls are wearing them to bed) AND cut out the first of the next set.

I feel like this was a lot for having had a sick kid at home. Then I remember I didn't get as much of my paying work done today as I really needed to. I did as much as I could without going into my office.

Today.... well, I'm not sure. The planks, the steps, the decluttering of course but beyond those, the only thing I must get done is a trip to Joann's for more flannel (for me, because it is on super sale) and elastic. The sleepover may happen tonight or it may not. Perhaps I'll load the car up with my donation boxes and bags and get everything out if my house.

My stay at home daughter loved the way the beans looked in their sink of ice water, and so she took a very artistic picture:

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